HOw to validate my nft


a physical NFT?

You might be confused.
How you can purchase a physical Unifelt artwork as a Non Fungible Token (NFT)?
I get it, most of the NFTs are digital media like photos, videos or audio files.
But there is no restriction in block-chain smart contracts to work only with digital assets.

An NFT is a smart contract that is stored in a public distributed block-chain ledger.
That contract, once executed basically says that one person bought something (an asset) from other person for a given amount of (crypto-)currency.
The pointer to the bought asset is now owned by the purchaser.

When you buy a Unifelt NFT that smart contract will point to a Digital Signed Certificate of Authenticity.
The certificate contains a description of the artwork and secret knowledge for how to receive the physical art corresponding with the digital certificate you now own.

ACCESSING the Certificate of Authenticity

OK, I just bought the NFT, now what?

When you own the NFT you will be able to reveal the “unlockable content”. There you find the link to the Digital Certificate of Authenticity, the metadata and the password.

We store these encrypted in IPFS, the Interplanetary File System, a distributed storage solution built on top of block-chain. See how IPFS works.

To view the file you will need to install the IPFS desktop application, or the browser extension.

Then just click the link and use the secret password to access the Certificate of Authenticity. See the animated example.

How to I check the authenticity of the digital certificate

There are multiple ways to check for originality in a digital certificate. You want to look for all of these:

  • product description in text

  • image

  • QR code

  • secret ID

  • hyperlinks

  • secure artist digital signature

The secure digital signature gives you guarantees that the certificate was signed by the original artist and the document has not been modified.

All the art produced by Unifelt is signed by fiber artist Bayarma Batomunkueva.

how do I check that the received piece matches my digital certificate?

When you receive the physical Unifelt art on you mail, unbox it, yay!

Now look for the QR code.

The inner lining of every NFT artwork created by Unifelt is engraved with a digital QR code and secret knowledge product ID .

This information will match the data on the digital certificate.
You can use a QR scanner application on your smartphone to validate that the QR code results are the same in both digital certificate and physical artwork.

See the video for a quick demonstration.

We can’t wait for you to enjoy your unique art!